OFCOURSE! Social networks like Facebook, twitter, and MySpace are bad for children. These social networks are rapidly growing; Facebook alone had a 145% growth in 2010 and there are more than 150 million users. Facebook is used to keep in touch with friends and family by sharing your comments, thoughts, pictures, and videos with your friends and family. Facebook was originally intended for college students but today, anyone can join it. Children below the age of 10 have a Facebook account. Facebook is very addicting and nowadays almost everyone is on the internet all the time. According to several studies conducted by neuroscientists, Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking sites are causing “alarming” changes in the brains of young users. Social networking sites shorten attention spans. Not only are social networking sites bad for the brain, but also unsafe for children. Parents cannot keep track of what their children are doing all the time. Social networking sites are a great way for pedophiles to lure young children into their traps. Children are gullible and may think their friend on Facebook is their age, but it may be some 50 year old guy that is trying to capture you in his trap so he can use you for his own pleasure. I am totally against children using social networking sites.